Saturday, July 14, 2012

Now What?

Ok, I'm still pouting, but I'm trying very hard not to. I've been thinking about what I should do. I'm not a "sit around and wait" kinda girl, but maybe I should just sit tight some more. Keep waiting on God to show me the way. Keep my eyes out for opportunity. Ugh! I'm getting impatient! I know I'm not suppose to wait on God to drop it in my lap. I know I need to put some effort into it, so I checked on the site again. Low and behold their are two positions open that I would be interested in. One is another Ed Diagnostician position in St. John the Baptist Parish, which is near New Orleans. I would love to live in New Orleans. The salary is $70K...about 11- 12K more than what I am making now. It is a 10 month position, working 7.5 hours a day. The other is an IDEA Specialist with the Orleans Parish School Board. The job description is quite intersting. Looks like you are pretty much in charge of dealing with making sure that the Federal Programs for SPED students are in place and running as expected. Nice salary...$88K....about 29-30K more than I'm making now. What is nice about both of them is that it is one job. I won't have to work a part time job to make my money. My teaching salary here in St. Mary is 53K, then I add another 6K for After School Care, but I have to work until 5:30 everyday. It would be nice to get off early and get a nice salary to boot. The kicker is the cost of living. My morgage is almost paid off. I live 2 minutes from school. If I would take either of those jobs at this point, I would have to rent a place and move or drive an hour and a half to work everyday. At first I would have to drive, so my gas bill would be astronomical $20 a day = $100 a week = $400 a month minimum = $4,000 a year .....still would be worth it, but 3 hour drive everyday...that would be hard. I also looked into an extended day hotel. I could prolly get a room for 4 days a week at $40 a day = $160 a week (come home on weekends) = $540 a month. This option would save on gas, wear and tear on my vehicle, and time traveling. This would also not obligate me to a lease (just in case I do not like the job). However, if I quit St. Mary now (3 weeks before school), not only would they take a chunk outta my check for breaking my contract right before school starts, I could not return here to work, so I better like the new job...HA. However, traveling back and forth for a year would give me an opportunity to find a nice place to live. My other option, is just to stay in St. Mary one more year, make my 20 years in this parish, finish up my Specialist Degree, and plan for a move next year. Starting a new job and trying to finish that degree would be difficult. One or both would suffer.  Ugh! So frustrating! I'm so ready for a change, but God has slammed the door. Should I apply for those 2 jobs? Gosh.....I don't know. I need to decide by tomorrow. The job in Orleans Parish application deadline in July 17th and the one in St. John application deadline is July 26th. I'll think on it some more, but I think I know what God wants me to do. I said I THINK.

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