Saturday, July 21, 2012

I'm sick.

What is wrong with Sue? Sue is not feeling too good. I am in a emotional melt down over the happenings at our school, which I think is causing me to be physically sick. What is happening at school you might be wondering? Well, since this blog is on the web, I do not want to divulge the details, but our principal of 10 years has been "transferred" to our Central Office, our vice principal has been promoted to principal, we have a new secretary, and rumors and gossip (some true) indicate rough times ahead for our faculty and staff. I have had my principal on my mind lately, so I went to see him yesterday morning - just to check on him. That is when I found out the news that he is no longer our principal. I have only had 2 bosses my entire career. I like our new principal, but it is just sad our long time principal is gone. The circumstances surrounding his "transfer" are very unfortunate, but he is okay with it. My phone has been "blowing up" like crazy since the news broke out. I literally havehad to put my phone on silent to get some rest from the "questions" and to screen my calls. I spoke with a really good friend this morning that is aware of the situation. Talking to her has made me feel much better, but I know we have more rough times ahead. All of this has made me sick. Of course I am also questioning God. Why didn't I get that new job? Why do I have to go through all of this God? This school means the world to me. It has been my second home for 20 years. The people who have worked here are like family. Why couldn't I just leave and remember the good times and not be involved in this mess? I really do not know why this is happening, but I guess I will perservere through it.
On the home front, my grandbabies are coming to spend 2 weeks with the Grammy. They will take all the worries off of my mind. I'm sure I will be posting lots of pics to share with everyone. Everyone, keep me and our faculty and staff at BES in your prayers....we will all need it.

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