Friday, July 27, 2012

A Pajama Day

We literally did not get out of our "jammies" today. Mid-morning it started raining. God I wish I could send some of this rain to Texas, but we are used to dealing with it I guess. By 1PM, everthing was soaked or floating in water. Blah. Who wants to leave the house on a day like this?  All you want to do is stay in bed, so that is what we did. The boys played their games, played with their toys, and spent a couple hours watching Gaming Geek play his computer games. Poor babies have not been to the park one time since they have been here. It is too wet.  Grammy played on the puter, washed clothes, loaded the dishwasher two times, and  took a nap. Hopefully, I can get them to go to sleep tonite..HA.

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