Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Total Chaos!

Ok, woke up this morning. My babies were so sleepy from having a night of fun with Mario and Luigi, that I decided to leave them with Gaming Geek. I knew we had registration at school and it would be mad chaos.....and I was right. The phone was ringing off the hook, we had at least 50 new registrations, some that spoke no English. Plus we had our Cheif Financial Officer from our Central Office there to train our new secretary. More than half of our faculty was there trying to get their rooms ready for the first day, and of course they were coming in with questions. I told Gaming Geek to text when the boys woke up, or he was ready to go to sleep. Never got a text, so I had to come see wut was going on at noon. Gaming Geek said that he never heard them...... they must still be sleeping. Well, the youngest was still snoozing, but the oldest says, "Hey Grammy, where you been?" I'm like, "How long have you been up?" He says, "I don't know, but I ate pop tarts. The box is empty." I said, "Baby, why didn't you go tell Gaming Geek to call Grammy." He says, "Gaming Geek is here." I felt so bad! That baby thought he was by himself! He was just sitting in his recliner chillaxing, eating pop tarts, and drinking Ginger Ale for breakfast...waiting on Grammy to get back. How grown up is that! I told him that I would NEVER leave him by himself, but the little rascal didn't want to come with Grammy. When he figured out Gaming Geek was home, he wanted to go chill with him. I went back to school, helped out in the office some more, helped Thrifty Girl fill out paper work for the Central Office, then came home and cooked my babies a huge lunch. They ate it up, then I brought them ova to a friends house with Thrifty Girl and they enjoy an afternoon in the pool. They came home starving, but the Grams had them a huge supper all ready. Now they are set up for another night of fun with Mario and Luigi. I'm fixing to go and make them a "Brownie Ala Mode" for a nighttime treat. They are some special. I just love these kids!
Chilling on the porch with the Grams. That my little man!

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