Monday, July 9, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

OMG! It has rained the last 3 days in a row! Not a good thing when you have 2 small boys in the house. The 5 years old loves to wrestle. He is constantly jumping on everybodies back. He just can't help it, but he knees and elbows me to death. When I scream in pain, he hugs me and says, "I'm just loving you Grammy!" Now how in the world can you fuss with that logic. Anyway, we are trying to outwait the rain today. I need to take them swimming to burn off this energy.

Three more days until I find out if I got the job I applied for. My friend tried to find out some scoop, but she said they are being very "hush, hushed" about it. I have gone back and forth on my feelings. One day I'm thinking...there is no way I didn't get the job....I have the most education, the most experience, the most varied experience, supervisory experience. The interview went well, my write up was excellent....they can't possibly over look all of that. Then I think about all the they have to hire a certain race....hmph! Then I think, goodness.....I will be the highest paid because of all my education. With budget cuts everywhere, maybe my education hurts me more than helps me. I had a friend move to Georgia. She could not get a job in the public school system....seems they couldn't afford her. For what they would have paid for her expertise, they could have hired two brand new teachers. So much for bettering yourself. I'ma go home Wednesday I guess.

OMG I'm going stir crazy!!!!! Go away rain!

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