Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy Birthday my Sweet Little Angel

Today my sweet baby Jaden would have been 1 year old. It was a bitter sweet day. I tried to stay busy, but I couldn't help but think about my youngest daughter and son in law (to be). I know that today was especially hard for them. They had been through so much with the pregancy and delivery; however, I had never been more proud of one of my children. They have all made me incredibly proud from time to time, but on May 30, 2011, my youngest daughter made me more proud than ever. So many people followed her and Jaden's story that we may never know all the lives they touched. For those of you who do not know, my youngest daughter found out at 4 months gestation that our sweet baby boy had the most lethal form of Spina Bifada - Ancephaly. The doctor told them that if Jaden made it through the delivery, he would live no longer than a few hours. Although the doctors and specialist wanted her to induce labor to deliver the baby right then - a nice way of saying abortion, she couldn't. She decided that she would carry him until God was ready for him to be born. She carried him almost to term. Our precious Jaden died approximately 30 minutes before he was delivered. We all got to spend time with him. He was absolutely beautiful. Big chubby cheeks like his mom, big blue eyes like both his mom and dad, cute little feet like his daddy, and just so perfect. I didn stop in Lafayette to have lunch with them on my way to Leesville. They seemed fine, but I know today was hard. I am so glad they spent it together. Now I'm in Leesville with my oldest daughter and my two other grandsons....they are a mess. Tomorrow, we are leaving to go to Galveston for a mini vacation. I need to get some sleep to keep up with them tomorrow! Nite!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Stick a fork in me - I'm done!

          I am officially done with school as of 8:45 this morning. We went in to pass out report cards, pick up our checks, and sign out. Our principal let us go 1 hour and 15 minutes early. As I have said before, this is my first summer off in 11 years -AND people still insist teachers have the summer off with pay...ugh....WE DO NOT! I get paid for 182 days a year. I can take my money 1 of 3 ways.....One lump sum for all 182 days, 1 payment for each of the 9 months I work, or I can spread my money out for a full year (which is what I choose to do). I DO NOT get paid for Summer, Christmas, Easter, or any other holiday that is given in a year. I also DO NOT get paid for the 2 weeks I choose to go in before school starts to get the classroom ready for the start of school.....that is FREE OF CHARGE! All I have heard today from parents is "Enjoy your summer! It must be nice to have the summer off with pay!" I was so glad our principal let us go early cuz I was fixing to "blow a gasket!" ....Along with several other teachers. HA!

          I didn't get to post yesterday. By the time we got home from Thibodaux, we were all exhausted. I knew I had to get up early, and so did the boys, so I quickly straightened up my hourse, made the bed (I had washed all the bed clothes) and jumped in the bed. The boys fell asleep on the ride home. When I woke them up to go in the house, I told them to lay down on the sofa until I got the bed made. They did, but ended up staying up to watch TV. I do not know what time they finally came to bed with Grammy, but there was no getting them up this morning. I tried for an hour. Then, my oldest son came in and tried. Finally, I just told my son to watch them while I was gone for that short time. Currently, they are still in bed passed out.

They wouldn't get up to go to school with Grammy!

Yesterday was Memorial Day in America. It is a day where we honor those who gave their lives for our freedom and protection. I feel very blessed to have a son who served5 years in the Marine Corp during war time, but never saw a day of battle. In the military, he was on the team of men and women who was in charge of moving our troops, supplies, and equipment in war zones. He was always stationed in the US. However, it is days like today, that I think of all those mothers who has lost their sons to war. Whether we agree with the actions of our government (Vietname, Iraq) we must always remember that the men and women on the ground joined to serve our country. They did not make the those big decisions....they simply followed orders. For many families, Memorial Day is a day off of work, time to enjoy barbecue, and fun. Like every one else, we played all day. We went to Thibodaux. I took the boys to Peltier Park, then we spent the afternoon with my aunt and my buddy at the Hampton Inn. My aunt is spending a couple of days there because she is having a complete over haul of her air conditioning system. We all spent the afternoon in the pool. After it turned dark, we had the pool all to ourselves. I ordered pizza and after we swam, we had pizza by the pool. Then, I went got us all ice creams. Lovely day, but I could not help but think of all the mothers, husbands, wives, etc. who spent the day grieving the loss of their love one. Being the mother of a military son, I can only imagine the pain of losing your son.

Today, I have some errands to run, house to straighten up, cook, etc......the usual stuff. We will probably go back to Thibodaux for another swim and visit. Below is some pics of our day in Thibodaux.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

How did I ever raise 4 children by myself?

I remember when I was raising my children, people use to ask how could I possibly do all that I did. I would simply say, I have no choice! HA! I have had my two grandchildren for 2 days now, and I'm ready for the "nut house"...HA! I've come to the conclusion I must have been super woman when I was younger. The oldest always wakes up first. He shakes me and says, "Wake up Grammy! Look it's a sun shiny day!" Well, anyone who knows me, knows I am not a morning person. I try not to "growl" at him, and tell him...."That's good baby, Grammy will get up in a little while." So he jumps out the bed, turns on the TV, and sits to watch TV for.....OOOO, 2 minutes, then comes to shake me again and says, "Grammy, wake up. I'm hungry" Now, I prepared for that. I bought some cereal, and their Nutragrain Bars. I intended that to be a pre-breakfast - let Grammy sleep a little longer - snack, but oh no...he wants his breakfast - eggs, bacon, grits, toast, with chocolate milk please. So out of bed I roll to fixed the king breakfast. The little one is a sleeper. He usually sleeps about 2 hours longer than his brother.After breakfast, its medicine time. Then today, we just laid around the house being lazy. I "cat napped" in the bed when the kids would let me. They watched TV, played their games on the DS and iPad.
I finally talked to my friend. He said he was feeling a "little better." Just the fact that he responded to my text lets me know that he is, indeed, feeling better. We chit chatted a while. Then later on, we met in Amelia for a very quick visit. It was good to see him. I look like "death", but I could have cared less. I was pooped. All the boys wanted was us to hurry up to get to the park. So after seeing my friend, we took off to the park. It looked like it might rain, so I took them to the "Pirate Park" under the bridge. We stayed and played for about an hour, then we went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. Of course, they had to get "just one toy Grammy." They stuck to one toy, but Grammy also picked up two new outfits for each of them. I told them they had to take a bath first. So when we got home, I picked up the groceries, put them in the tub, and got the scissors to open up the toys. Now why in the hell do they package toys the way they do? It is crazy. It took me 20 minutes to get the oldest ones toy out the package. It needed batteries, and you needed a screw driver to open the battery compartment! I have screwdrivers, but this one had to be small. I got two out, but of course the other two were stripped. Finally, I gave up and went to the bathroom to tell the oldest I was headed back to Wal-Mart to get him another toy, when I walked in on a tidal wave. Yes, they were both in the tub riding the waves! Water all over my wood laminate floors. I counted to 10 and told them to get out of the tub, clean up the mess, and we would talk about it when I got back. They stayed with Uncle John, John while I went back to Wal-Mart. When I got back, we had a talk. They promised Grammy they would never do that again. They better not, or they will get a butt wippen for sure. So I opened their toys, cut my finger on the packaging, and vowed to never buy toys again....LOL. So they are in the living room, with the TV going, playing with their toys. I am in the bed completely exhausted. I love these kids, but I really wondering how in the world I raised 4 by myself? I musta really been "the shit!"

Saturday, May 26, 2012

My Daily Trec to the Park

My daily walk to the park with the boys ahead of me on their bikes.

My little man on the slide.


My little man trying to figure out how "that thing" works. My big man saying, "Let's go Grammy, I'm tired."

I'm a Fat Ass!

First Day of Summer Vacation
Yes, as a good friend has so eloquently put it......I'm a fat first I was contemplating "divorcing" my friend, but now it has become a joke between us. Anyway, unfortunately he is right. My youngest daughter is here for the summer, so we decided to diet AND exercise together. Dieting is more of a problem for her, but exercising is more of a problem for me. So this morning, I got up and fixed her 2 scrambled eggs (I just drank juice.), then she made me walk a mile...HA! We went yesterday and she bought me an new exercise outfit for my birthday, so I put it on as encouragement (it was one size smaller than the last one, so that was exciting). When I got back, I worked in the yard. My oldest grandson helped me bring the garbage to the front, wash out the garbage cans, and pick up all the sticks that had fallen from the tree. I swept the porch, took out all my lawn chairs, and sprayed weed killer around the trailer so my yard man can cut the grass. Then I came in, my little man was up so I fixed him breakfast, gave the oldest his medicine (they both sick) and made my coffee. Now, all 3 of us is back in bed. I'm on the computer and enjoying my coffee, the oldest is playing games on his nanny's ipad, and the youngest is playing his DS.The youngest just made a "fart" noise with his mouth and said, "LOL, I farted on you Grammy!" He is so goofy!  I love summer time!!!

Loving Summer! I'm usually in the middle of both of them!

Friday, May 25, 2012

I'm Officially Dead

Well, not dead in the physical sense, but dead tired. Went into work, turned in all the crap they needed me to turn in (lesson plans, grade book, attendence, faculty handbook), then I left the elementary to go and do the same thing at the Junior High. Afterwards, I stopped by the deli to get a bite, then I went back to the elementary. I wasn't two step into the building, when I got something in my eye. I went to the restroom to rinse out my eye, but nothing seem to help. My contacts needed to come out, but of course my solution and case was at home, so I jump in the van and came home to take out my contacts and put on the glasses. Who know what it was, but it scratch up my eye, so it is glasses for a few days. :( After that little episode, I went back to school and ate my lunch and chilled in my class with one of my interpreters. I got an email from our Central Office surveying teachers to see who would be interested in teaching an online class to home school students. I said....ah what the heck, what is one more job when you already have two....ha. I filled it out saying I would be interested. I will look into it, but I need more information before I say yes. Afterwards, I went to the front to chill for another 30 minutes, then we were allowed to go home. YAY! I came home, picked up Katie, and headed to NOLA for a little shopping at Lakeside Mall. We ate a late lunch, then headed home. On the way back, my oldest called to say she was just leaving Leesville, so they would be late getting home, so I took the opportunity to go buy some groceries when we got home. Then I came home and started cooking. They got here at about 9:00. I was so glad to see my little guys. They were excited too! Now we are all in bed. The oldest is playing his DS game system, and the youngest is playing with his Spider Man and Iron Man figurines. I'm fixing to go to sleep. I need plenty of sleep to keep up with these two tomorrow. I know what will be the first thing they say when they wake up....."Grammy, lets go to the park." And of course I will say "sure"!!!! Nite world!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Here We Go........................

Ok, so school is not even out and I'm getting my two boys tomorrow night. My oldest called today and said that she has to work all weekend, could I keep the boys? She wants me to  bring them back when I go up to Leesville.Of course I said yes, but this is my life with my oldest. I wasn't suppose to have the boys at all during June. My oldest grandson was suppose to be in summer school, and she didn't want  them gone that long....ummmhmmmm. Now, he is on the waiting list for summer school, and I'm getting them tomorrow night. She wanted to go spend the weekend of my birthday in Biloxi, but she had to check to see if her boss would be in town. She never let me know, so I called her today and said if she wants to go, then she needs to let me know. So she said yes, make the reservations. So, I called, and of course, they are all booked up. So I text her back with all the offers I have from Marksville, NOLA, and Biloxi. I told her to let me know. So now I'm waiting on the Queen to decide. If it is going to cost me a fortune to do all of this, we not going. Nothing is ever cheap when she is involved....HA! Anway, the exciting part is that I will have my babies tomorrow night!!!! Yay!!! Whoopeeeeee!

Went into work 10 minutes late this morning. So what. Signed in quietly, and went straight to my room. My computer genius interpreter from the Junior High came over to move my computer and printer to my new spot in the other everything working except the dang wireless printer...grrrrrrrr. That thing drives me nuts. I didn't leave my room all day. I finished finding all the supplies I need in the catalog for my materials requistion, so now I only need to put it into the computer. Finished up the last day of After School Care, and I will be out of school at 1 tomorrow. I only have to go back on the 29th  for a couple of hours. Classroom is all set up pretty much for next August and other than my meeting with my Supervisor, I'm done.
I am already in bed. I'm tired and sleepy. I need to rest up before my babies come tomorrow night. Night blogworld!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Slow, but sure progress :/

Well, today was a fun packed day...........NOT! First the PreK program. My first little student walked in and started crying the minute he saw me. His dad was carrying him, and he did not wanna leave his "Maw, Maw."  He reluctantly came with me, but cried and cried. Then my other little student came in. He was also in his dads arms. He did not want to come to me. He kicked, screamed, and cried.......then wrapped his arms and legs around the step railing to not go with me! OMG! It was a serious WTF moment! Neither of them had acted like this since the beginning of school. Thank God for my two interpreters! They each took a student and tried to calm them down. It worked with one, but not with the other. That - my friends - is how my day started.....HA! After that I went to my room to finish up progress reports. Then, I went to the Junior High to drop off my progress reports and give my students hug and kisses. After that, I went home to get my lunch and something to drink. As I was getting out of the van, my aunt called. She has another bladder infection and her air conditioner broke. She is having a lovely week. Then I went back to school. I skipped the Kindergarden program and the afternoon award ceremony. I did chase my prinicipal down to sign my mileage documents so I can get reimbursed for that. Then I went back to the room and decided to start on my materials requisition for next year; however, I needed the book to order, so back to the office. On my way back, I ran into a good friend. She is actually our past school secretary who I had not seen for some time. We stood out in the hall and caught up on all the "news" while the awards ceremony was going on. After we finished talking, I went back to my room ....totally forgetting to get the book to order my materials. So I decided to make out a list for placement of my students next year. I brought the list to my principal and went to the After School Care room to  set out snacks. In ASC, I finished up the financial books, made a list of parents who still owe, and basically watched the kids play. Then I went to Houma to pick up a few end of the year gifts, and now I'm back home exhausted. So, materials requisition and IEP folders did not get done. Maybe tomorrow? HA. Tomorrow is field day, and I think I will hide out in my room. It is too hot to do any of that. I am so glad I do not have a class that I have to take around. My 2 students who are left can go with their classes and my interpreters can go if they are needed. I NEED TO GET MY LAST 2 THINGS DONE...UGH! Tomorrow is the last day of ASC, so that is good. And we dismiss at 1PM on Friday, so that is also good.

 Katie is completely done with school. Everytime I talked to her today, she was reading.....HA. Poor baby she needs the rest after the year she had. She did have an interview this morning for a job closer to home. She said the interview went well, but like anything else, you don't know if they already have someone else in mind. She should know by Friday, but it seems like the perfect job for her. It is business classes, which she is certified for. God, I hope she gets it. If not, I'm looking at it as God has something better planned for her.

On another note, my hips are hurting again. What the hell is that all about? I think it might be the way I'm sleeping.....hell I don't know. I really haven't done any heavy work at school, so I don't know what it could be. I'm hoping it is not arthritis. THAT will surely send me over the edge. It even hurt to walk up the steps!

My friend is also still down in the dumps. I wish there was some way I could make it all go away. I wanted to go by to see him, but he wasn't feeling good enough for company. All I can do, is be here if he needs me and pray that God takes care of all of this for him. Another que, sera, sera situation.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's a Drag.....

Everyday seems to drag on and on, and on, and on. Tomorrow, all PreK and K students have their end of the year ceremony, so that will be behind me. I didn't get much else accomplished today. In between parent visits and interruptions, I did get my junior high progress reports done; however, I am not finished with the elementary progress reports. I will be attending the PreK and K cermonys in the morning, so  I guess I will get them done after that. I also need to clean out IEP folders and make out a materials requisition for next year. I also have to close out the financial books for After School Care. My interpreters are getting everything else done....halleluiah! I really need to make a " to do list" for the summer so I can stay on top of all I want to do. At this point, all I know is that I will have the boys at some I am leaving on the 29th to go spend a few days with them. I miss them so much. My youngest grandson has strep throat, but he feels fine. Doctor put him on anitbiotics, but my daughter said he had no symptoms. She took them in because they were both coughing. She had no idea that my sweet baby had strep because he doesn't act sick.  On a sad note, my"friend" is very sad. Life is just not going right for him in any areas. I wish something good would happen to lift his spirits. I hate to see people I care about so "bummed out." He really is a sweetheart, but has made some bad decisions that he is having difficulty dealing with. We have all been there in our lives, but he feels like God is targeting him. He has some difficult decisions that he needs to address in his life, and unfortunately God is the only one who can help him. I am so hoping he reaches out to God for help. Well, I'm taking my son to eat. As usual, he is hungry and comes to tell me. He is 27 years old. I wonder when I can stop feeding him....LOL!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sleep? Who needs sleep?

Ok, had fun all weekend with "my friend." Got very little sleep, then went to work today.....all day! Currently, I have  been up for 36 hours straight. I plan on sleeping tonight though. We only have3 full days and 2 partial days left of school. We are completely done on May 29 at 10 A.M. I cannot wait. Tomorrow, I need to finish my paperwork, make out my materials requisition for next year, clean out and organize my IEP folders, then I'm done. Completely. Tomorrow is the last full day with my two little PreK students. I'm going to miss those lil rascals this summer. Test scores for all of my students were phenomenal. I was so proud of them. Every student showed some progress, with most of them showing great progress. What more can a teacher ask for? Today was Katie's last day with her students. She has a records day tomorrow, but after that she is done. We both will start looking at which gym we will join. She gaining weight and I'm slowly losing, but I want to speed things up. Ok, can't write no more. I'm falling asleep on the keyboard. So I'm going to bed......nighty to all!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Banquet # 2

I love my Hearing Impaired peeps! It was a great night. When I arrived at the Petroleum Club, hardly no one was there. I got out of the car, then another couple of people got out their car and decided to come in with me. You know me, I ain't shame....I'll be the first one to go in. Since I had just left After School Care, I was still dressed in my school clothes. I went right on in to the banquet room, and because I was the first one in, I won a prize! It was one of those aromatherapy "thingys" for you car. Everyone started calling me the nerd...LOL! Well, I went and picked out my table and sat down. Several people came in and started finding where they wanted to sit. Well my Hearing Impaired peeps came in and sat down with me. Our PreK friends sat down with us, then decided to leave us to go sit with their other PreK people. Then, the school nurses decided to come sit with us, and they too decided to go sit with their peeps! Of course me and my Hearing Impaired crew started telling them "table hopping bitches" they was gonna be sorry cuz we were the lucky table. We were picking of course, but no one else sat with us, so we were really be snooty...LOL. Well, the banquet got started. We ate, laughed, and cut up some bad. Then the bingo game got started.....low and behold of course, "blondie" in pic won the first bingo game! She won a $50 gift card to Longhouse Steakhouse! Then they started pulling door prizes....I won the first door prize, which was a platter and dipping set. Next bingo game....yep, "red shirt" won! She won a $50 gift card to Walmart! Next door prize....."blondie" wins! And of course we are cutting up some bad....we told everyone ...."See, we told yall this was the lucky table!" Next bingo game......yep, "yellow and blue shirt" wins! She wins a Canon digital camera! Anyway, this continues until we each have won several gifts before anyone else has won one! It was halarious! It was a lot of fun. After the banquet, we had a tough time carrying out all of our gifts! We decided the Hearing Impaired team need to take a road trip....We would have so much fun. HA. All in all, it has been a good week; however, I am already ready for the weekend. 13 days left of school....counting the 30 minute day on the 29th. I just can't wait!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Banquet #1

This week it is teacher appreciation week. During the week, we are treated to luncheons prepared by parents, students bring us gifts, the parish and the school gives us gifts, etc. Tonight, I had my first teacher appreciation banquet for Berwick Junior High at the Petroleum Club in Morgan City. Tomorrow night is the teacher appreciation banquet for Berwick Elementary...also at the Petroleum Club. First, it is so nice to waited on and treated like royalty. Not to mention, eating at the Petroleum Club is such a treat. This is not a public restaurant. You have to belong to the Petroleum Club to eat there. Only the "well to do" can afford to eat at the Petroleum Club. We are fed a 4 course meal....soup, salad, entre, and dessert with coffee. Parents donate gifts and we play Bingo to win the gifts. It is so much fun. Tonight I won a gift certificate for an edible boquet, and I got to take the one on our table oldest son loved it..HA! It was 3 hours long, but it was fun. I sat with one of my transliterators and all of the 6th grade teachers. They are quite a lively crew let me tell you.

On a sad note, my friend is having troubles. I wish I had good things to say to lift his spirits, but what he is going through is never easy. I'ma just pray that every thing works out fine. Hopefully, it will. I'm pooped. Got to school at 7:20. Left school at 5:15. Then went to the banquet at 6. Now I'm home. I'm drinking a beer and relaxing ......ahhhhh, the good life.

Monday, May 7, 2012

I DID IT !!!!

Ok, so I made the B. Messed up my 4.0, but to be honest, I could care less. I'm done with certification. At this point I don't know if I even want to finish the Specialist Degree. I'm getting all of my paperwork together to add Educational Diagnostician to my teaching certificate. Now the fun starts. I need a job. LOL. We have two opening, but it will be a fight over those jobs. We have 5 people certified to be Educational Diagnosticians in the parish. I'll make # 6. Let the fight begin!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Countdown Begins!

We have 15 day (3 weeks) of school left. If I can just survive til then.......that is what I keep saying. This was my first weekend off since January where I didn't have to do homework. It was so liberating...ha. "Back to the grindstone" tomorrow. The "grapevine" says that the school board voted for schools to close on the 25th, rather than the 29th. Make sense to me....end it all on the Friday. I can't imagine all of us coming back for 30 minutes on the 29th to give out report cards....I don't even have report cards to give out. The expense....running buses, air conditioning, etc, all could be saved. I will have to inquire more about this tomorrow to see if the "grapevine" is true. My oldest daughter has "snagged" me for the first 3 weeks of  my vacation, but I don't mind. I need to get out of Bewick and spend time with my boys. I miss them little "rascals." I still do not have that grade posted yet....ugh. She is going to wait to the last minute to post that grade. My nerves can't take it anymore!!!!! It is bad enough I'm praying for a B. Tomorrow is the last day to post grades, so she has to do it tomorrow...ha. I just want it over with. Well getting sleepy.....guess I will "hit the sack" as they say.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Summer Break Right Around the Corner!

I am so looking forward to summer break this year. This is the first time that I will take the whole summer off in 11 years. I think I will try to finish up the few things I need to do around the, hook up the two sinks in the bathrooms, hook up the shower in the master bath, shop for a living room set, etc. First I'm going spend time with my oldest daughter and my 2 grandsons. I miss them so much. They both will be in summer school; however, I should be able to get them in July. Then I plan on doing some traveling. I think we might go to Atlanta to see the "World's Largest Indoor Aquarium." They love the one in NOLA, so I'm sure this will be awesome. I think we will stay at the Omni Hotel, which is also where CNN is located...I just might catch a glimpse of Anderson Cooper. He is still "hot" even if he is I think I might take them to Destin too on the way back. I'm dieing for some beach And they would enjoy it too. Ima drag Katie with me too....I won't tell her about the beach....she doesn't like the beach. That will  be a surprise. Now, it is just to make it to the 29th of May.  I'm still waiting on that one class for the teacher to post my grade. Got A's in the other two, but I'm praying for a B in this one. It is going to mess up my 4.0, but hell, I don't care at this point. I found out today that they just might be hiring two Ed Diagnosticians in St. Mary. I also found out that we have 5 other people who have that certification in the parish, so I will have some competition. However, if I don't get it, I still have my job, but I hope I do. We will see.  I think my friend and I have made it through our first "tough spot." I forgive him. How can I not? He is so dead It has become a joke between us now. I told him I would never let him forget it I told him if he wants me to forget about it, he will have to say nice things about me to change my thought Let's see if that works. Oh well, I should be doing taxes right now. I have mine, my friend, and another friends to do. I hate doing taxes grrrrrrrr!