Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Stick a fork in me - I'm done!

          I am officially done with school as of 8:45 this morning. We went in to pass out report cards, pick up our checks, and sign out. Our principal let us go 1 hour and 15 minutes early. As I have said before, this is my first summer off in 11 years -AND people still insist teachers have the summer off with pay...ugh....WE DO NOT! I get paid for 182 days a year. I can take my money 1 of 3 ways.....One lump sum for all 182 days, 1 payment for each of the 9 months I work, or I can spread my money out for a full year (which is what I choose to do). I DO NOT get paid for Summer, Christmas, Easter, or any other holiday that is given in a year. I also DO NOT get paid for the 2 weeks I choose to go in before school starts to get the classroom ready for the start of school.....that is FREE OF CHARGE! All I have heard today from parents is "Enjoy your summer! It must be nice to have the summer off with pay!" I was so glad our principal let us go early cuz I was fixing to "blow a gasket!" ....Along with several other teachers. HA!

          I didn't get to post yesterday. By the time we got home from Thibodaux, we were all exhausted. I knew I had to get up early, and so did the boys, so I quickly straightened up my hourse, made the bed (I had washed all the bed clothes) and jumped in the bed. The boys fell asleep on the ride home. When I woke them up to go in the house, I told them to lay down on the sofa until I got the bed made. They did, but ended up staying up to watch TV. I do not know what time they finally came to bed with Grammy, but there was no getting them up this morning. I tried for an hour. Then, my oldest son came in and tried. Finally, I just told my son to watch them while I was gone for that short time. Currently, they are still in bed passed out.

They wouldn't get up to go to school with Grammy!

Yesterday was Memorial Day in America. It is a day where we honor those who gave their lives for our freedom and protection. I feel very blessed to have a son who served5 years in the Marine Corp during war time, but never saw a day of battle. In the military, he was on the team of men and women who was in charge of moving our troops, supplies, and equipment in war zones. He was always stationed in the US. However, it is days like today, that I think of all those mothers who has lost their sons to war. Whether we agree with the actions of our government (Vietname, Iraq) we must always remember that the men and women on the ground joined to serve our country. They did not make the those big decisions....they simply followed orders. For many families, Memorial Day is a day off of work, time to enjoy barbecue, and fun. Like every one else, we played all day. We went to Thibodaux. I took the boys to Peltier Park, then we spent the afternoon with my aunt and my buddy at the Hampton Inn. My aunt is spending a couple of days there because she is having a complete over haul of her air conditioning system. We all spent the afternoon in the pool. After it turned dark, we had the pool all to ourselves. I ordered pizza and after we swam, we had pizza by the pool. Then, I went got us all ice creams. Lovely day, but I could not help but think of all the mothers, husbands, wives, etc. who spent the day grieving the loss of their love one. Being the mother of a military son, I can only imagine the pain of losing your son.

Today, I have some errands to run, house to straighten up, cook, etc......the usual stuff. We will probably go back to Thibodaux for another swim and visit. Below is some pics of our day in Thibodaux.

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