Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy Birthday my Sweet Little Angel

Today my sweet baby Jaden would have been 1 year old. It was a bitter sweet day. I tried to stay busy, but I couldn't help but think about my youngest daughter and son in law (to be). I know that today was especially hard for them. They had been through so much with the pregancy and delivery; however, I had never been more proud of one of my children. They have all made me incredibly proud from time to time, but on May 30, 2011, my youngest daughter made me more proud than ever. So many people followed her and Jaden's story that we may never know all the lives they touched. For those of you who do not know, my youngest daughter found out at 4 months gestation that our sweet baby boy had the most lethal form of Spina Bifada - Ancephaly. The doctor told them that if Jaden made it through the delivery, he would live no longer than a few hours. Although the doctors and specialist wanted her to induce labor to deliver the baby right then - a nice way of saying abortion, she couldn't. She decided that she would carry him until God was ready for him to be born. She carried him almost to term. Our precious Jaden died approximately 30 minutes before he was delivered. We all got to spend time with him. He was absolutely beautiful. Big chubby cheeks like his mom, big blue eyes like both his mom and dad, cute little feet like his daddy, and just so perfect. I didn stop in Lafayette to have lunch with them on my way to Leesville. They seemed fine, but I know today was hard. I am so glad they spent it together. Now I'm in Leesville with my oldest daughter and my two other grandsons....they are a mess. Tomorrow, we are leaving to go to Galveston for a mini vacation. I need to get some sleep to keep up with them tomorrow! Nite!

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