Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Slow, but sure progress :/

Well, today was a fun packed day...........NOT! First the PreK program. My first little student walked in and started crying the minute he saw me. His dad was carrying him, and he did not wanna leave his "Maw, Maw."  He reluctantly came with me, but cried and cried. Then my other little student came in. He was also in his dads arms. He did not want to come to me. He kicked, screamed, and cried.......then wrapped his arms and legs around the step railing to not go with me! OMG! It was a serious WTF moment! Neither of them had acted like this since the beginning of school. Thank God for my two interpreters! They each took a student and tried to calm them down. It worked with one, but not with the other. That - my friends - is how my day started.....HA! After that I went to my room to finish up progress reports. Then, I went to the Junior High to drop off my progress reports and give my students hug and kisses. After that, I went home to get my lunch and something to drink. As I was getting out of the van, my aunt called. She has another bladder infection and her air conditioner broke. She is having a lovely week. Then I went back to school. I skipped the Kindergarden program and the afternoon award ceremony. I did chase my prinicipal down to sign my mileage documents so I can get reimbursed for that. Then I went back to the room and decided to start on my materials requisition for next year; however, I needed the book to order, so back to the office. On my way back, I ran into a good friend. She is actually our past school secretary who I had not seen for some time. We stood out in the hall and caught up on all the "news" while the awards ceremony was going on. After we finished talking, I went back to my room ....totally forgetting to get the book to order my materials. So I decided to make out a list for placement of my students next year. I brought the list to my principal and went to the After School Care room to  set out snacks. In ASC, I finished up the financial books, made a list of parents who still owe, and basically watched the kids play. Then I went to Houma to pick up a few end of the year gifts, and now I'm back home exhausted. So, materials requisition and IEP folders did not get done. Maybe tomorrow? HA. Tomorrow is field day, and I think I will hide out in my room. It is too hot to do any of that. I am so glad I do not have a class that I have to take around. My 2 students who are left can go with their classes and my interpreters can go if they are needed. I NEED TO GET MY LAST 2 THINGS DONE...UGH! Tomorrow is the last day of ASC, so that is good. And we dismiss at 1PM on Friday, so that is also good.

 Katie is completely done with school. Everytime I talked to her today, she was reading.....HA. Poor baby she needs the rest after the year she had. She did have an interview this morning for a job closer to home. She said the interview went well, but like anything else, you don't know if they already have someone else in mind. She should know by Friday, but it seems like the perfect job for her. It is business classes, which she is certified for. God, I hope she gets it. If not, I'm looking at it as God has something better planned for her.

On another note, my hips are hurting again. What the hell is that all about? I think it might be the way I'm sleeping.....hell I don't know. I really haven't done any heavy work at school, so I don't know what it could be. I'm hoping it is not arthritis. THAT will surely send me over the edge. It even hurt to walk up the steps!

My friend is also still down in the dumps. I wish there was some way I could make it all go away. I wanted to go by to see him, but he wasn't feeling good enough for company. All I can do, is be here if he needs me and pray that God takes care of all of this for him. Another que, sera, sera situation.

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