Sunday, May 6, 2012

Countdown Begins!

We have 15 day (3 weeks) of school left. If I can just survive til then.......that is what I keep saying. This was my first weekend off since January where I didn't have to do homework. It was so liberating...ha. "Back to the grindstone" tomorrow. The "grapevine" says that the school board voted for schools to close on the 25th, rather than the 29th. Make sense to me....end it all on the Friday. I can't imagine all of us coming back for 30 minutes on the 29th to give out report cards....I don't even have report cards to give out. The expense....running buses, air conditioning, etc, all could be saved. I will have to inquire more about this tomorrow to see if the "grapevine" is true. My oldest daughter has "snagged" me for the first 3 weeks of  my vacation, but I don't mind. I need to get out of Bewick and spend time with my boys. I miss them little "rascals." I still do not have that grade posted yet....ugh. She is going to wait to the last minute to post that grade. My nerves can't take it anymore!!!!! It is bad enough I'm praying for a B. Tomorrow is the last day to post grades, so she has to do it tomorrow...ha. I just want it over with. Well getting sleepy.....guess I will "hit the sack" as they say.

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