Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Banquet # 2

I love my Hearing Impaired peeps! It was a great night. When I arrived at the Petroleum Club, hardly no one was there. I got out of the car, then another couple of people got out their car and decided to come in with me. You know me, I ain't shame....I'll be the first one to go in. Since I had just left After School Care, I was still dressed in my school clothes. I went right on in to the banquet room, and because I was the first one in, I won a prize! It was one of those aromatherapy "thingys" for you car. Everyone started calling me the nerd...LOL! Well, I went and picked out my table and sat down. Several people came in and started finding where they wanted to sit. Well my Hearing Impaired peeps came in and sat down with me. Our PreK friends sat down with us, then decided to leave us to go sit with their other PreK people. Then, the school nurses decided to come sit with us, and they too decided to go sit with their peeps! Of course me and my Hearing Impaired crew started telling them "table hopping bitches" they was gonna be sorry cuz we were the lucky table. We were picking of course, but no one else sat with us, so we were really be snooty...LOL. Well, the banquet got started. We ate, laughed, and cut up some bad. Then the bingo game got started.....low and behold of course, "blondie" in pic won the first bingo game! She won a $50 gift card to Longhouse Steakhouse! Then they started pulling door prizes....I won the first door prize, which was a platter and dipping set. Next bingo game....yep, "red shirt" won! She won a $50 gift card to Walmart! Next door prize....."blondie" wins! And of course we are cutting up some bad....we told everyone ...."See, we told yall this was the lucky table!" Next bingo game......yep, "yellow and blue shirt" wins! She wins a Canon digital camera! Anyway, this continues until we each have won several gifts before anyone else has won one! It was halarious! It was a lot of fun. After the banquet, we had a tough time carrying out all of our gifts! We decided the Hearing Impaired team need to take a road trip....We would have so much fun. HA. All in all, it has been a good week; however, I am already ready for the weekend. 13 days left of school....counting the 30 minute day on the 29th. I just can't wait!

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