Saturday, May 26, 2012

I'm a Fat Ass!

First Day of Summer Vacation
Yes, as a good friend has so eloquently put it......I'm a fat first I was contemplating "divorcing" my friend, but now it has become a joke between us. Anyway, unfortunately he is right. My youngest daughter is here for the summer, so we decided to diet AND exercise together. Dieting is more of a problem for her, but exercising is more of a problem for me. So this morning, I got up and fixed her 2 scrambled eggs (I just drank juice.), then she made me walk a mile...HA! We went yesterday and she bought me an new exercise outfit for my birthday, so I put it on as encouragement (it was one size smaller than the last one, so that was exciting). When I got back, I worked in the yard. My oldest grandson helped me bring the garbage to the front, wash out the garbage cans, and pick up all the sticks that had fallen from the tree. I swept the porch, took out all my lawn chairs, and sprayed weed killer around the trailer so my yard man can cut the grass. Then I came in, my little man was up so I fixed him breakfast, gave the oldest his medicine (they both sick) and made my coffee. Now, all 3 of us is back in bed. I'm on the computer and enjoying my coffee, the oldest is playing games on his nanny's ipad, and the youngest is playing his DS.The youngest just made a "fart" noise with his mouth and said, "LOL, I farted on you Grammy!" He is so goofy!  I love summer time!!!

Loving Summer! I'm usually in the middle of both of them!

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