Sunday, May 27, 2012

How did I ever raise 4 children by myself?

I remember when I was raising my children, people use to ask how could I possibly do all that I did. I would simply say, I have no choice! HA! I have had my two grandchildren for 2 days now, and I'm ready for the "nut house"...HA! I've come to the conclusion I must have been super woman when I was younger. The oldest always wakes up first. He shakes me and says, "Wake up Grammy! Look it's a sun shiny day!" Well, anyone who knows me, knows I am not a morning person. I try not to "growl" at him, and tell him...."That's good baby, Grammy will get up in a little while." So he jumps out the bed, turns on the TV, and sits to watch TV for.....OOOO, 2 minutes, then comes to shake me again and says, "Grammy, wake up. I'm hungry" Now, I prepared for that. I bought some cereal, and their Nutragrain Bars. I intended that to be a pre-breakfast - let Grammy sleep a little longer - snack, but oh no...he wants his breakfast - eggs, bacon, grits, toast, with chocolate milk please. So out of bed I roll to fixed the king breakfast. The little one is a sleeper. He usually sleeps about 2 hours longer than his brother.After breakfast, its medicine time. Then today, we just laid around the house being lazy. I "cat napped" in the bed when the kids would let me. They watched TV, played their games on the DS and iPad.
I finally talked to my friend. He said he was feeling a "little better." Just the fact that he responded to my text lets me know that he is, indeed, feeling better. We chit chatted a while. Then later on, we met in Amelia for a very quick visit. It was good to see him. I look like "death", but I could have cared less. I was pooped. All the boys wanted was us to hurry up to get to the park. So after seeing my friend, we took off to the park. It looked like it might rain, so I took them to the "Pirate Park" under the bridge. We stayed and played for about an hour, then we went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. Of course, they had to get "just one toy Grammy." They stuck to one toy, but Grammy also picked up two new outfits for each of them. I told them they had to take a bath first. So when we got home, I picked up the groceries, put them in the tub, and got the scissors to open up the toys. Now why in the hell do they package toys the way they do? It is crazy. It took me 20 minutes to get the oldest ones toy out the package. It needed batteries, and you needed a screw driver to open the battery compartment! I have screwdrivers, but this one had to be small. I got two out, but of course the other two were stripped. Finally, I gave up and went to the bathroom to tell the oldest I was headed back to Wal-Mart to get him another toy, when I walked in on a tidal wave. Yes, they were both in the tub riding the waves! Water all over my wood laminate floors. I counted to 10 and told them to get out of the tub, clean up the mess, and we would talk about it when I got back. They stayed with Uncle John, John while I went back to Wal-Mart. When I got back, we had a talk. They promised Grammy they would never do that again. They better not, or they will get a butt wippen for sure. So I opened their toys, cut my finger on the packaging, and vowed to never buy toys again....LOL. So they are in the living room, with the TV going, playing with their toys. I am in the bed completely exhausted. I love these kids, but I really wondering how in the world I raised 4 by myself? I musta really been "the shit!"

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