Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's a Drag.....

Everyday seems to drag on and on, and on, and on. Tomorrow, all PreK and K students have their end of the year ceremony, so that will be behind me. I didn't get much else accomplished today. In between parent visits and interruptions, I did get my junior high progress reports done; however, I am not finished with the elementary progress reports. I will be attending the PreK and K cermonys in the morning, so  I guess I will get them done after that. I also need to clean out IEP folders and make out a materials requisition for next year. I also have to close out the financial books for After School Care. My interpreters are getting everything else done....halleluiah! I really need to make a " to do list" for the summer so I can stay on top of all I want to do. At this point, all I know is that I will have the boys at some point...lol. I am leaving on the 29th to go spend a few days with them. I miss them so much. My youngest grandson has strep throat, but he feels fine. Doctor put him on anitbiotics, but my daughter said he had no symptoms. She took them in because they were both coughing. She had no idea that my sweet baby had strep because he doesn't act sick.  On a sad note, my"friend" is very sad. Life is just not going right for him in any areas. I wish something good would happen to lift his spirits. I hate to see people I care about so "bummed out." He really is a sweetheart, but has made some bad decisions that he is having difficulty dealing with. We have all been there in our lives, but he feels like God is targeting him. He has some difficult decisions that he needs to address in his life, and unfortunately God is the only one who can help him. I am so hoping he reaches out to God for help. Well, I'm taking my son to eat. As usual, he is hungry and comes to tell me. He is 27 years old. I wonder when I can stop feeding him....LOL!

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