Friday, May 25, 2012

I'm Officially Dead

Well, not dead in the physical sense, but dead tired. Went into work, turned in all the crap they needed me to turn in (lesson plans, grade book, attendence, faculty handbook), then I left the elementary to go and do the same thing at the Junior High. Afterwards, I stopped by the deli to get a bite, then I went back to the elementary. I wasn't two step into the building, when I got something in my eye. I went to the restroom to rinse out my eye, but nothing seem to help. My contacts needed to come out, but of course my solution and case was at home, so I jump in the van and came home to take out my contacts and put on the glasses. Who know what it was, but it scratch up my eye, so it is glasses for a few days. :( After that little episode, I went back to school and ate my lunch and chilled in my class with one of my interpreters. I got an email from our Central Office surveying teachers to see who would be interested in teaching an online class to home school students. I said....ah what the heck, what is one more job when you already have two....ha. I filled it out saying I would be interested. I will look into it, but I need more information before I say yes. Afterwards, I went to the front to chill for another 30 minutes, then we were allowed to go home. YAY! I came home, picked up Katie, and headed to NOLA for a little shopping at Lakeside Mall. We ate a late lunch, then headed home. On the way back, my oldest called to say she was just leaving Leesville, so they would be late getting home, so I took the opportunity to go buy some groceries when we got home. Then I came home and started cooking. They got here at about 9:00. I was so glad to see my little guys. They were excited too! Now we are all in bed. The oldest is playing his DS game system, and the youngest is playing with his Spider Man and Iron Man figurines. I'm fixing to go to sleep. I need plenty of sleep to keep up with these two tomorrow. I know what will be the first thing they say when they wake up....."Grammy, lets go to the park." And of course I will say "sure"!!!! Nite world!

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