Sunday, August 26, 2012

Is this the calm before the storm?

Well, looks like we have Hurricane Issac to contend with. Yep, most of the computer models have it coming right at us. Delightful.

I live right on the coast ("as the crow flies" - about 7 miles from the Gulf of Mexico) in a small town called Berwick, LA.
 The above map is the most recent run of the computer guidance models, but to be honest they have be all over the place. Issac has been had to forecast.  I have been through many hurricanes before, and it always amazes me that there is an eary "calm before the storm." You can go outside at night, and the wind is calm, and there is dead silence. No crickets chirping, dog barking, coyotes howling.......just complete silence. It is like everything has left the area. Weird. I'm not ready to pack up and leave just yet. First of all, they have not cancelled school. Governor Jindal has called a state of emergency for LA, but he is only calling for voluntary evacuations at this time. The National Hurricane Center is predicting Biloxi, MS (subject to change), which would put us on the "good side" of the storm. Like Katrina, we would get some rain and wind, but nothing to the magnitude that Biloxi, Gulfport, and NOLA got. If the National Hurricane Center keep moving it more west, then the worse it will be for us. It would also not be good for NOLA because like Katrina, the storm would push all of the storm surge into Lake Ponchatrain. Hopefully the Army Corp of Engineers have built better levies. Governor Jindal has also put the LA National Guard on stand by....ready to be deployed wherever they are needed. Our police chief, who is a good friend of mine, and the mayor of Berwick has already planned a meeting to plan for a possible direct hit from Issac. And what is Susan doing to prepare? Nothing. Every time a hurricane heads this way, I pack up and head out. Not only does it cost a small fortune, but it is physically and mentally exhausting. You are in traffic for hours upon hours....moving 2 miles an hour. It is horrible. We have decided to take our chances this go round. I plan to go to my aunts. If my aunt and uncle decide to leave, then I am going to my friend house in Country Club across the street. So "put up your dukes" Issac! I'm ready for ya!

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