Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Paperwork Overload

Ok, took the weekend off to spend with my friend who left to return home after being laid off from his job. God only knows when I will be able to see him again, so I justified not going into school at all this weekend...HA! Well, didn't get in until midnight Sunday night, so the alarm clock was not what I wanted to hear bright and early Monday morning. Somehow, I drug myself out of bed and to school. I had so much to do that I feel like I didn't even make a dent in all that I had to do. When I got home Monday afternoon, I went straight to bed, slept all night, but was still tired when I got up this morning. I had an interpreter out again today, so I put the sub with my student, and I was with the PreK peeps again. Exhausting is all I can say. After school, I had After School Care until 5:30. Open House for parents began at 6PM, so I left After School Care and went straight to my room. I had to stay in my room until 7:30. I only had one parent show up, so most of the time I worked on NSU stuff. Oh God.....it will be hell to finish these 3 classes for this Specialist Degree. Not because it is hard, but because I am so tired of  "bettering myself" for the measly little raise I get in return. My intentions were not for the raise, but for another position, which politics took care of that, so I'm like.....what was the point of all this work. I finally crawled in the front door at 7:45. Now, I cannot go to sleep. I think I'm too tired to go to sleep. Is that possible? The rest of this week looks the same. I have Open House at BJHS Thursday night, and tons of paperwork, and NSU work. I wonder if there is a way to rewind the clock back to summer?

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