Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sniff, Sniff :(

No boys to snuggle with tonight :( I will get to see them tomorrow before they go home. Precious Princess always gets a hotel room when she comes down, so they are sleeping with mommy tonight... Happy Handsome Helper wanted me to stay at the hotel with them, but I had gone swimming with them, and I didn't bring a change a clothes. Good thing...cuz those alligator tears would have made me stay. I told them that I was going home so I can cook them breakfast in the morning...their favorite - eggs and bacon. That pacified them somewhat..HA.

So I came home, went straight to the bathroom to take a bathe and guess what........................?
Thrifty Girl and Teddy are in my bed!!! Thrifty girl is having allergy sniffles, so I still have someone in my bed. I keep telling hard head to use my Flucticozone, but she won't. She can't stand it draining in her throat and she taste it. So she rather be sick? Nut.  I started with the sniffles this morning, and I sprayed two times and poof all gone.

OK, haven't been too interested, but it looks like we have a "Tropical Storm soon to be Hurricane Ernesto" to start watching. I don't feel like it ....grrrrrrrr. If I lived in a house, I would NOT leave! I hate leaving for a hurricane! Hours on the cost a fortune, and most of the time, we didn't need to leave. I'm contemplating where I could hide out if it heads this way. Ugh!

Well blog world....stay tuned. Nite.

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