Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tropical Storm Isaac Post #5

Ok, so like I think Isaac like south LA. He keeps sticking around. It took the eye 8 hours to leave Thibodaux, but still is just in Donaldsonville! I did hear that Berwick has electricity again. We are never without electricity long. Haven't heard from Gaming Geek lately, guess he is sleeping. Watching the radar, Berwick spent most of the afternoon in the core of the eye; however, it was the weak side....thank goodness. Most of the bad weather has been north and west of Berwick and Thibodaux. You may be wondering what Susan has been up to. Well, we have been channel flipping on the TV....looking at the different stations, and watching the RNC convention in Tampa. We can't leave it on there too or all of us get pissed off. Those people a seriously whacked! Oh, and we also heard from their famous "big mouth"....the Rush Limbaugh. He said that the President should send all the money down here to build them levies and then the democrats should come down to protect them sending the money and get washed away by a hurricane. That man it a total whackadoo. I have also been working on my NSU work. I just took a test.....100%! Yeee Haw!!! On to Chapter 3. OOOOO....hold that thought. My Uncle just came told me that Rachel Madow is fixing to interview Newt Gingrich....gotta take a break to watch that! She will chew him up and spit him out! Yippppeeeeeee!

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