Sunday, August 12, 2012

True to "form"

It doesn't take me anytime to get back into a school routine. I wake up, dress, walk out the door (at 7:15 on duty days 7:45 on non duty days), follow my routine at BES, do the same at BJHS, tend to After School Care, go home, crawl in my bed to relax, get up, eat a little sumfin, clean up, bathe, then go to bed. BAM! Weekends are open to anything.......except I really like to sleep late, and I managed to do that this week too! However, I did spend both Saturday and Sunday at school during the day. There is just so much that needed to be done. I did what I could, but I just get to the rest during the week.

I did get a chance to meet up with a friend Saturday night. It was nice to just "chill" and enjoy a night out. Didn't come in til 1AM though....HA!

Called my babies on Saturday. Happy Handsome Helper started school Friday. He was so excited. Cheesy Super Hero said...."I love you too Grammy!" I said, "I love you too my little man!" He said, "Love you lots and lots!" Then Grammy said, "Love you lots and lots!" Then he threw the phone down, and ran off to play. I just love them kids!

On another strange note, I finally heard from my long lost friend. He said he is leaving LA sometime this month, but he is not sure when. I use to say I was gonna miss the jerk, but not anymore cuz I never see him. As usual, he talked only when he had nothing else to do. At least, I know he is still alive. HA!

O well, I have had enough relaxation time. I need to wash some clothes and get ready for the week.

Peace out Peeps!

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